Endeavor Indonesia Menyambut Arif P. Rachmat sebagai Chairman

Sebagai bagian dari Endeavor Global, Endeavor Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba yang membantu high-impact entrepreneurs mengatasi tantangan dalam mengembangkan (scale-up) usaha. Dikenal sebagai perintis gerakan high-impact entrepreneurship, Endeavor Indonesia mengumumkan pengangkatan Arif P. Rachmat (Triputra) sebagai Chairman.  Untuk memperkuat kepemimpinannya, Endeavor Indonesia juga mengangkat empat board member baru yaitu Alvin Sariaatmadja (EMTEK), Andre Soelistyo (Gojek), Chng Kai Fong (Singapore Economic Development Board) dan Tan Su Shan (DBS Bank). Arif P. Rachmat menggantikan posisi Harun Hajadi (Ciputra Group) yang menjabat sebagai Chairman sejak 2016.

Arif P. Rachmat menyatakan: “Saya berterima kasih atas kontribusi Pak Harun Hajadi sebagai Chairman, mentor dan panelis dalam Local dan International Selection Panel. Selama kepemimpinan beliau, Endeavor Indonesia telah berkembang dalam hal impact, jaringan dan pagelaran event kolaboratif. Saya berkomitmen untuk melanjutkan pencapaian yang telah ditorehkan oleh beliau.”

“Board member baru Endeavor Indonesia mewakili sekelompok pemimpin bisnis dan pengusaha dari berbagai industri dan sektor yang berperan penting dalam mewujudkan misi Endeavor Indonesia. Kami merasa terhormat karena Alvin, Andre, Kai Fong dan Su Shan bersedia mendedikasikan keahlian dan energi positif mereka untuk membantu high-impact entrepreneur dan meningkatkan kredibilitas Endeavor Indonesia sebagai bagian dari Pan-Asia,” lanjut Arif P. Rachmat, Chairman Endeavor Indonesia 2020.  

Telah hadir sejak 2012, Endeavor Indonesia melabeli diri sebagai industri agnostik sehingga organisasi ini mencari, menyeleksi dan membantu high-impact entrepreneur yang memiliki usaha berbasis teknologi (tech company) atau usaha yang didukung dengan teknologi (tech-enabled company).

Apa itu yang dimaksud high-impact entrepreneur atau entrepreneur berpengaruh? Forum Ekonomi Dunia mendefinisikan high-impact entrepreneur sebagai pelaku usaha yang memiliki ide inovatif, mampu mengembangkan usaha lewat penciptaan lapangan kerja dan memiliki dampak sosial yang tinggi karena meningkatkan standar hidup komunitas sekitarnya. Misi Endeavor Indonesia adalah untuk membina high-impact entrepreneur karena mereka memegang kunci pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan.

Indonesia sendiri sedang mengalami ledakan entrepreneurship. Hal ini diperkuat dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi digital Indonesia yang mencapai dua digit, yakni 11%, di tengah gempuran pandemi COVID19. Dari 100 kota di dunia, Jakarta menduduki peringkat ke-2 sebagai wilayah dengan ekosistem startup terbaik menurut laporan yang dirilis oleh Startup Genome. Dalam kategori ini, Jakarta mengalahkan beberapa kota di negara maju, seperti Barcelona, Dubai dan Zurich. Google, Temasek dan Bain & Company juga menyatakan bahwa investasi di sektor teknologi Indonesia pada paruh pertama 2020 mencapai $2,8 Miliar, meningkat 55% pada periode yang sama di tahun 2019.

“Data ini menunjukkan potensi Indonesia yang cukup baik dalam bidang entrepreneurship. Jumlah entrepreneur pasti akan terus meningkat jika angel investor, venture capital, akselerator dan organisasi lain, termasuk Endeavor Indonesia, bekerja sama mengembangkan dunia entrepreneurship Indonesia. Negeri ini butuh lebih banyak high-impact entrepreneur karena mereka dapat membawa Indonesia menjadi negara maju. Bapak Presiden Jokowi menyatakan bahwa salah satu syarat menjadi negara maju adalah jumlah entrepreneur di negara tersebut mencapai 14% dari jumlah penduduknya. Dan di Indonesia, angkanya baru sekitar 3%,” kata Arif P. Rachmat.

Salah satu entrepreneur berpengaruh yang didukung oleh Endeavor Indonesia adalah Gibran Huzaifah. Gibran adalah CEO dan Co-Founder eFishery, sebuah perusahaan aquaculture intelligence pertama di Indonesia yang membantu pembudidaya ikan dan udang.

“Endeavor Indonesia membantu saya menghadapi tantangan bisnis yang beragam seiring dengan berkembangnya usaha. Pada awal usaha, tantangan eFishery adalah mengembangkan produk dan teknologi yang affordable dan user-friendly bagi pembudidaya ikan yang tingkat kecakapan teknologi dan purchasing powernya belum setinggi pelaku sektor lain. Tantangan selanjutnya adalah menentukan pricing model yang menarik agar pembudidaya tergoda mengadopsi eFishery dan merasakan manfaatnya. Sekarang, tantangan utama sebagai high-impact entepreneur adalah mengembangkan eFishery agar impact dan value yang dihasilkan dapat meningkat dan dirasakan oleh masyarakat luas,” ujar Gibran Huzaifah, CEO & Co-Founder eFishery.

Gibran melanjutkan: “Fasilitas yang diberikan Endeavor Indonesia dalam menjawab tantangan saya sungguh beragam, mulai dari akses ke mentor berpengalaman hingga jaringan entrepreneur yang luas. Saya bisa belajar dari Endeavor Entrepreneur lain yang telah berhasil mengembangkan usahanya dari nol. Mentor Endeavor membantu dalam menjawab tantangan dalam berbagai bidang, mulai dari legal hingga human resources. Selain itu, saya mendapatkan akses ke permodalan lewat Endeavor Catalyst yang ambil bagian dalam pendanaan seri B yang baru diraih eFishery.”

Endeavor Indonesia menobatkan Gibran Huzaifah dan Christian Sutardi (Co-Founder, Fabelio) sebagai Endeavor Entrepreneur of The Year 2020 bersama Julianto Sidarto (Independent Commissioner, PT XL Axiata Tbk) yang dinobatkan sebagai Endeavor Mentor of The Year 2020. Endeavor Indonesia telah mengumpulkan 57 Endeavor Entrepreneur dari 43 perusahaan. Sebanyak 28.000 lapangan pekerjaan telah dihasilkan oleh perusahaan yang mereka pimpin dan perusahaan mereka memiliki revenue total sebesar $419 juta. Carline Darjanto (Cotton Ink), Edward Tirtanata (Kopi Kenangan), Adrian Gunadi (Investree) dan Arief Widhiyasa (Agate International) adalah beberapa high-impact entrepreneur Indonesia versi Endeavor.

Endeavor Indonesia membantu entrepreneur berpengaruh mengakselerasi pertumbuhan usaha mereka dengan memperkenalkan mereka ke pakar industri lokal dan global yang menjadi mentor mereka. Saat ini terdapat 73 mentor dengan 436 jam mentoring yang telah didedikasikan. Endeavor Indonesia juga memberikan akses komprehensif ke market, permodalan dan talent. Pada tahun 2020, telah ada:

  • 8 entrepreneur yang mendapatkan akses ke market (ekspansi ke dalam dan luar Indonesia)
  • 6 entrepreneur mendapatkan akses ke permodalan (lewat fundraising dan Mentor Capital Program)
  • 19 entrepreneur mendapatkan akses ke area talent (program edukasi serta fellowship yang diberikan oleh Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, MIT-Sloan, INSEAD dan lain sebagainya)

Untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai kandidat Endeavor Entrepreneur, silakan klik: bit.ly/applyEndeavor.


#LebihPercaya Diri Meraih Kemandirian dalam Pembiayaan Pendidikan

Untuk merayakan empat tahun CICIL di Indonesia, perusahaan teknologi finansial yang fokus pada pembiayaan pendidikan ini meluncurkan berbagai promo dan kegiatan online menarik bertema #LebihPercaya selama bulan September.   

Edward Widjonarko, Co-Founder dan CEO CICIL menyatakan: “#LebihPercaya adalah wujud terima kasih kami kepada mahasiswa dan dunia pendidikan Indonesia karena telah mempercayakan CICIL sebagai solusi pembiayaan pendidikan. Mahasiswa menghadapi kendala dalam pembiayaan SPP kuliah dan pemenuhan kebutuhan belajar lainnya. Gerakan #LebihPercaya ingin meningkatkan kepercayaan diri mahasiswa untuk menjadi lebih mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan kuliah. Jangan khawatir mengenai aspek pembiayaan karena CICIL siap membantu.”

“Survei Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) menyatakan bahwa selama pandemi COVID19, 47% mahasiswa butuh subsidi kuota internet dan 21% terkendala pembiayaan kuliah. Selain tantangan finansial ini, mahasiswa menghadapi tantangan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan non-akademis atau soft skills. Kami melihat keterampilan ini dapat lebih digali lagi karena sangat dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa guna bertahan dan berprestasi di dunia kerja nantinya,” lanjut Edward.

Oleh sebab itu, selain memberikan potongan biaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kuliah, gerakan #LebihPercaya juga mengadakan webinar dan pelatihan online gratis untuk mahasiswa agar dapat mengasah keterampilan dan memperluas wawasan. Gerakan ini berlangsung hingga 30 September 2020.

Telah terdaftar dan memiliki izin resmi dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, tingkat keberhasilan 90 hari (TKB90) CICIL terjaga stabil pada posisi 97,22%. Sejak tahun 2016, CICIL telah menyalurkan lebih dari 67.000 pembiayaan senilai Rp 171 miliar kepada mahasiswa dan institusi pendidikan serta memperluas jangkauan layanan ke lebih dari 250 institusi pendidikan di 54 kota. Salah satu pengguna CICIL adalah Vicka Fadhilla, mahasiswi semester tujuh Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung.

“Mimpi saya adalah bisa mandiri membiayai kuliah dan CICIL membuat saya lebih percaya diri bahwa saya bisa mewujudkan mimpi itu. Saya sudah tiga kali mendapatkan pinjaman yang saya gunakan untuk bayar SPP dan membeli barang untuk kebutuhan kuliah. Selain membantu saya dari sisi finansial, bergabung dalam ambassador CICIL juga membantu saya untuk mengembangkan diri dan kemampuan berorganisasi,” kata Vicka Fadhilla, Pengguna & Student Ambassador CICIL.

Saat ini CICIL memiliki empat produk utama, yaitu CICIL Uang Kuliah, CICIL Barang, CICIL Jobs dan pembiayaan untuk institusi pendidikan.

“CICIL membantu saya mencicil uang kuliah ketika keluarga saya perlu menggunakan uang untuk keperluan lain yang lebih mendesak. Syarat untuk mendapatkan pinjaman kuliah cukup sederhana dan proses pengajuannya juga cepat. Kelebihannya mencicil uang kuliah dengan CICIL adalah saya dapat menghitung jumlah total biaya yang harus dibayarkan melalui simulasi sebelum berkomitmen untuk mengajukan pembiayaan,” ujar Vicka.

CICIL Barang membantu mahasiswa untuk mencicil kebutuhan kuliah. Sebagai penyedia jasa micro lending, mahasiswa dapat mencicil barang yang harganya mulai dari Rp 250.000. Jadi, tidak hanya mencicil uang kuliah yang nilainya jutaan. CICIL juga bisa digunakan untuk mencicil tas laptopseharga Rp 288.000.

CICIL Jobs hanya diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki pinjaman aktif dengan CICIL. Mereka dapat melamar kerja di CICIL Jobs dan kompensasinya dapat digunakan untuk membantu melunasi pinjaman pendidikan.

Selain membantu mahasiswa, CICIL juga mengembangkan solusi fasilitas pembiayaan bagi institusi pendidikan. Fasilitas pembiayaan CICIL telah memfasilitasi berbagai ragam institusi pendidikan, termasuk sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah, universitas dan lembaga kursus pendidikan informal. Dana yang disalurkan oleh CICIL digunakan untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur dan biaya operasional institusi peminjam.

“Besarnya kepercayaan mahasiswa dan institusi pendidikan yang telah bergabung menjadi motivasi bagi CICIL untuk lebih mengembangkan layanan kami agar dapat menciptakan dampak sosial dan berkelanjutan pada mahasiswa, institusi pendidikan, mitra dan investor. CICIL ingin mengajak masyarakat untuk #LebihPercaya bahwa jika perusahaan fintek digunakan secara bijaksana, kami dapat menjadi solusi dari tantangan di masa sekarang dan masa depan,” pungkas Edward.


Introducing Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter

The first-ever color-changing Beautyblender® that makes your makeup routine fun again

Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter has finally arrived in Indonesia. The new Beautyblender® features temperature-activated technology that allows this baby to change color from a gorgeous lilac to a powder blue when soaked in warm or cold water.

“We are proud to introduce the new Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter. Despite being one of the world’s best-selling sponge, we discover that there are a lot of people out there using this makeup sponge dry. Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter serves as a fun reminder that wetting your sponge before use is indeed important to ensure dewy and flawless finish. The sponge changes color when soaked with water. It starts out lilac, but run it under warm water, and it turns powder blue. It also comes embossed with the words ‘wet me’”, stated Revata Pingkan, Representative of PT Duta Pesona Jaya, Beautyblender® Exclusive Distributor for Indonesia.

Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter is designed with aqua-activated™ material, which mimics real pores when damp, letting makeup products bounce easily on skin for a natural, airbrush-looking finish. Damp Beautyblender® also ensures makeup products land on your complexion, not your sponge. Latex-free, scent-free and cruelty-free, Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter is the new addition to the big Beautyblender® family that was conceptualized in 2002 by Rea Ann Silva.

“When I want flawless and dewy complexion makeup on my clients, I usually rely on two things: Beautyblender® for the base and airbrush gun for the finishing touch. Beautyblender® texture is so soft especially when damp. Simply wet, squeeze and bounce the sponge for a near-airbrushed finish. Never use your fingers when applying foundation as you can wind up with streaks and patchiness. Instead, use Beautyblender® to gently bounce the foundation onto the skin. Beautyblender® gives you the closest thing to an airbrushed makeup look without the hassle”, said Ivanda Cherlin, Professional Makeup Artist.

Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter is best to use when damp – it will expand twice in size, become even softer. Wet the sponge with water for each use, squeeze out excess liquid, bounce foundation or any other complexion product across the face for flawless result. Remember to cleanse with Blendercleanse® after each use and replace it every 3 months or when there are nicks and tears.

“Even if you’re a makeup newbie, Beautyblender® is a goof-proof way to a flawless face. Adding Beautyblender® to your everyday face makeup routine can save you time as you can achieve a flawless makeup look in just under a minute,” closed Revata Pingkan.

Handcrafted in the USA, Beautyblender® WAVE ShadeShifter is exclusively available in Sephora online website, mobile app and in stores near you. Its recommended retail price is IDR 350,000.



Strategically located in South Jakarta, the first Lambretta dealer in Indonesia aims to provide Lambretthusiast Indonesia with a premium customer experience.

Lambretta and PT Skuter Motor Indonesia (PT SMI) as the authorized distributor of Lambretta scooters in Indonesia have officially opened Lambretta Jakarta – the first Lambretta’s official dealer in Indonesia. Located at Jl. Ampera Raya no. 4A in Jakarta, the 280-m2 dealer is more than just a showroom.

“Lambretta Jakarta demonstrates the commitment and enthusiasm for the growth of Lambretta’s future in Indonesia. More than just a showroom because it is a ‘casa’ for Lambretthusiast from all around Indonesia to celebrate one of the world’s finest scooters,” said Ade Sulistioputra, CEO, PT Brum Brum (the parent company of PT SMI).

“The satisfaction and comfort of Lambretthusiast is the main priority of Lambretta Jakarta. Being Lambretta’s first official dealer in Indonesia, the design of this newly-built facility is vibrant and classy – resonating with Lambretta’s true character. It also offers customers 3S (sales, services and spare parts),” stated Adrianus Donny, Marketing Manager, PT SMI.

Ade Sulistioputra has added there will be 10 dealers across Java and Bali by 2020 – ready to provide premium service and quality experience for Lambretthusiast in these respective areas.

Launched in Indonesia earlier this year, PT Skuter Motor Indonesia as the authorized distributor of Lambretta scooters in Indonesia is currently handing over the keys of Lambretta V-Special to their owners. One of Lambretthusiasts who has welcomed its own Lambretta V-Special is Monica Pangkey from Jakarta. She bought Lambretta V125 Special in Blue Mint Supergloss.

“Lambretta V125 Special is my first scooter ever. For a first-time scooter owner like me, the presence of Lambretta Jakarta provides peace of mind because access to after-sales services, including the distribution of genuine parts, has become easier,” said Monica Pangkey, owner of Lambretta V125 Special.

After-sales service, including spare parts supply for Lambretta V-Special, is available for seven days a week: Monday-Friday 10.00 – 19.00, Saturday 9.00 – 17.00, Sunday 7.00 – 14.00

For all inquiries regarding the after-sales service of Lambretta V-Special, please call 0817 6901 947 or (021) 2780 8399 or reach out to Lambretta Indonesia Instagram @lambrettaid.

Interested to be part of the growth of Lambretta in Indonesia?

*** END ***

About PT Skuter Motor Indonesia

Established in 2018, PT Skuter Motor Indonesia (SMI) is a subsidiary of PT Brum Brum with its main focus to become a two-wheeler mobility solution. PT SMI presents the legendary Italian scooter brand, Lambretta. Started its production in 1947, Lambretta inherits a long story of passion, tradition and an unstoppable desire of innovation. The name ‘Lambretta’ is originated from the river Lambro that flows through Lambrate, the location of Lambretta original factory. Lambro is derived from Lambrus, which means light in weight, quick and nimble – the distinct characteristics of Lambretta.

Draft Beer 2: #CelebrateSmallMoments With The Newly Packaged Draft Beer

Proudly presented by Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia, Draft Beer 2 with a more compact packaging is excellent for celebrating every small moment anytime and anywhere.

Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia (BHBI) has once again made a breakthrough by introducing Draft Beer 2 (Two) packed in 220ml pint bottles. Draft Beer 2 maintains optimal beer freshness and thus, making it the perfect thirst-quencher for all occasions. Even when the weather is warm, Draft Beer 2 still retains its ultimate freshness possible.

“The launch of Draft Beer 2 aligns with the character of BHBI that strives for innovation so that high-quality beers are accessible for all domestic and foreign beer connoisseurs. Through its new packaging, Draft Beer 2 offers our consumers an elevated experience in enjoying the beer’s real flavor, especially when drinking it outdoors,” said Erwin Ruffin, Marketing Manager, Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia.

Taking a good swig of beer in the great outdoors provides more challenges compared to enjoying it indoors. When drinking a bottle of beer outdoors, its freshness heavily relies upon the air temperature and how it is consumed. The higher the air temperature and the longer the beer is held, its freshness tends to disappear faster.

“I find that beer is refreshing by nature so that I would enjoy a beer a little bit more outside. I love playing golf, and when I am in the field, I usually bring a few bottles along in my golf cart. It is just that beer freshness, when served outdoors, usually don’t last long. It may get worse when the weather is warm,”stated Bam Mastro, Beer Connoisseur and Vocalist of Elephant Kind.

Daniel To, Brewmaster, Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia explained: “Enjoying a beer in an outdoor setting presents its challenge. We are accustomed to holding the beer bottle with our fist when enjoying it outdoors. When the beer is exposed to hot weather and sunlight, its temperature rises relatively faster, and its freshness eventually decreases. The beer that you are holding is close to getting skunked even before it is finished. Therefore, Draft Beer 2, with its compact packaging, is the answer to this challenge.”

Draft Beer 2 is a new addition to the Draft Beer series: Draft Beer 3 (Three) packed in 330ml cans, 5 (Five) packed in 500ml cans, and 6 (Six) packed in 620ml pint bottles. Launched in 1988, Draft Beer is the first beer brewed by Bali Hai Brewery Indonesia. Draft Beer is an extraordinary session pale lager with 4.9% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) that is comprised of Pilsen malt and German Hercules hops.

#CelebrateSmallMoments with Draft Beer 2

As the perfect thirst-quencher for all occasions, Draft Beer 2 invites all beer connoisseur to #CelebrateSmallMoments in life, no matter how small, anytime, and anywhere.

Erwin Ruffin stated: “In BHBI, we believe that all big things often have small beginnings. We sometimes tend to underestimate the influence of small moments. The birth of Draft Beer is a real example that we should be grateful for small moments because that is where the bigger journey begins. Draft Beer was born out of our founder’s small moment who, at the time, desired a barrel of quality beer that could be enjoyed anytime and anywhere.”

“From this humble beginning, Draft Beer becomes a drink that is celebrated at home and admired abroad. It was named Asia’s Best Low Carb Beer by the World Beer Awards in 2012 and received the Bronze Medal from the Australian International Beer Award in 2019,” Erwin Ruffin continued.

Bam Mastro strongly believes that as an individual, we should take our time to #CelebrateSmallMoments.

“Seemingly small moments may have a big impact should we be thankful because great things are done by a series of small moments brought together. It is easy to appreciate small moments; the key is always to be thankful for the little moments,” said Bam Mastro.

Beer is Bam’s ultimate choice of drink to #CelebrateSmallMoments with his peers, especially when he is in the great outdoors.

“After the release of an album or even after a gig, I usually wrap it with a little celebration tagging my inner circle along. #CelebrateSmallMoments like this become even easier with Draft Beer 2. Its compact packaging maintains optimal beer freshness from the very first to the last sip,” closed Bam Mastro.

Draft Beer 2 is now available at your nearest outlets. Enjoy Draft Beer 2 responsibly.

*** END ***

Dari Memori Masa Kecil Menjadi Citarasa Yang Cocok di Lidah: Ayo Coba Ayam Woku ala Chef Juna di Dailybox, Bayarnya Suka-Suka

Keluar dari zona nyaman, Chef Juna Rorimpandey meracik dua menu comfort food khas nusantara yang praktis dan pastinya cocok di lidah segala kalangan

Memperingati hari jadinya yang ke-2, Dailybox memanjakan masyarakat lewat program #BayarSukaSuka #BayarPakeGopay yang hanya berlaku pada Sabtu, 21 September. Dalam kesempatan ini, Dailybox juga memperkenalkan dua hidangan ricebox khas nusantara hasil kolaborasinya dengan Chef Juna Rorimpandey, yaitu Ayam Woku khas Manado dan Udang Sambal Bawang Goreng.

Hadir di Indonesia pada tahun 2017, Dailybox telah memiliki 10 gerai di Jakarta dan Tangerang. Dailybox tersebar di Grand Indonesia, Pluit Kencana, Green Lake, Citra 6, Hang Lekir, Kuningan City, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Kota dan dua gerai terbarunya berlokasi di Permata Hijau dan SATU Communal Space – Kebayoran Lama. Menu-menu Dailybox mengkreasikan nasi dengan lauk-pauk bercitarasa lokal, Jepang, Chinese dan Thailand.

“Dailybox adalah gerai makanan yang menyajikan comfort food yang praktis dan cocok di lidah masyarakat Indonesia dalam bentuk ricebox. Nasi menjadi produk olahan utama kami karena nasi adalah makanan pokok sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Sesuai dengan visi kami untuk menjadi wajah dari keberagaman Indonesia dan untuk memperkaya pilihan menu Dailybox, kami mempersembahkan kolaborasi Dailybox dengan Chef Juna”, ujar Kelvin Subowo, CoFounder, Dailybox.

Kelvin menambahkan: “Comfort food adalah makanan yang membuat kita merasa nyaman karena mengingatkan kita pada apa yang dekat dengan kita. Ciri santapan ini dikaitkan dengan sajian di masa kecil atau menu favorit di rumah. Turun langsung dalam menetapkan menu dan mengolah bahan baku dari awal, pada kolaborasi ini Chef Juna memperkenalkan udang sambal bawang goreng dan ayam woku khas Manado yang adalah menu favorit keluarganya.”

Udang adalah salah satu hasil laut yang menjadi favorit Chef Juna karena rasanya enak dan bertekstur. Hal inilah yang mendorong Chef Juna untuk meracik menu udang sambal bawang goreng. Karena menggunakan banyak sereh yang dikombinasikan dengan bawang, cabai dan perasan jeruk lemon, menu ini memiliki cita rasa khas Bali. Hanya saja, udang terlebih dahulu diolah dengan butter sehingga rasanya nyaman di lidah serta gurih walaupun tanpa menggunakan MSG. Cocok sekali disandingkan dengan nasi hangat.

Menggunakan ayam yang berkualitas, ayam woku khas Manado ini adalah comfort food Chef Juna. Menu ini adalah salah satu hidangan wajib pada acara kumpul-kumpul keluarga Chef Juna yang berdarah Manado. Bercita rasa pedas dan gurih, kreasi ini sarat akan penggunaan daun kemangi, daun jeruk, daun kunyit dan daun pandan.

“Ini adalah pertama kali saya diajak berkolaborasi untuk meracik menu khas nusantara karena biasanya saya justru diminta untuk mengolah menu mancanegara. Saya merasa sangat tertantang karena tidak mudah untuk menemukan comfort food khas nusantara yang semua orang pasti doyan. Tetapi setelah beberapa sesi trial dan food tasting, ayam woku khas Manado dan udang sambal bawang goreng adalah dua menu yang cocok dengan konsep Dailybox yang menyajikan comfort food, praktis dan cocok di lidah segala kalangan dalam bentuk ricebox. Mudah-mudahan kedua menu ini cocok di lidah semua kalangan masyarakat Indonesia dan menghadirkan warna baru bagi Dailybox,” ujar Chef Juna Rorimpandey.

Ingin mencoba menu Chef Juna? Caranya gampang. Menu ayam woku khas Manado adalah salah satu dari tiga menu yang dapat dinikmati dengan #BayarSukaSuka hanya pada 21 September 2019 di 5 gerai dine-in Dailybox, yaitu Grand Indonesia, Pluit, SATU Communal Space – Kebayoran Lama, Hang Lekir dan Kebon Jeruk. Selain ayam woku khas Manado, dua menu lainnya yang dapat dinikmati dengan #BayarSukaSuka adalah ayam kemangi (basil chicken) dan cumi pete balado. Berlaku untuk customer dine-in, pelanggan dapat memesan salah satu dari tiga menu dan membayar suka-suka dengan  menggunakan GoPay.

Kedua menu kolaborasi Dailybox dan Chef Juna akan mulai tersedia di semua gerai Dailybox dan eksklusif di GoFood mulai Minggu, 22 September 2019 hingga sebulan ke depan.

“Sebagai pemimpin layanan pesan-antar makanan terbesar di Indonesia dengan pangsa pasar 75%, GoFood selalu berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan skala bisnis mitra merchant UMKM yang tergabung dalam ekosistem GoFood melalui berbagai inovasi. Kami sangat bangga melihat pertumbuhan industri UMKM kuliner di tanah air dan kreativitas para mitra merchant GoFood seperti Dailybox ini dalam menciptakan inovasi kuliner baru. Sesuai visi kami, hal ini menandakan bahwa #PastiAdaJalan untuk tumbuh berkembang bersama GoFood. Salah satu inovasi terbaru yang kami tawarkan kepada mitra merchant adalah GoFood Exclusive yang merupakan kumpulan menu-menu eksklusif dengan versi unik dan hanya tersedia untuk para pelanggan di platform GoFood,” ujar Sarah Lucia, Merchant Marketing Strategic Engagement Manager, GoFood.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ayo dine-in di Dailybox Grand Indonesia, Pluit, SATU Communal Space – Kebayoran Lama, Hang Lekir dan Kebon Jeruk dan rasakan sendiri ayam woku khas Manado dengan #BayarSukaSuka #BayarPakeGopay yang hanya berlaku pada Sabtu, 21 September.

*** SELESAI ***

Indonesia 1: Enabling ‘Work-Live-Play’ with The Gold Standard

Soaring at 303 meters above the ground, Indonesia 1 will be one of the tallest mixed-use green buildings in Indonesia.

Strategically located in the heart of Jakarta’s Central Business District (CBD) on Jalan MH Thamrin, Indonesia 1 sets the gold standard of Jakarta’s work-live-play experience. The newly released construction photographs show that the tower construction has reached level 48. The monumental project presented by PT CS Media Investment, a consortium of CS Land and Media Group, is expected to be completed in Q4 2020.

With a site area of 18,925 sqm, the stunning champagne gold high-rise consist of two towers – South and North – that are mainly built for premium grade offices. The 73-storey North Tower will host 181 luxurious serviced residences that will be operated by Pan Pacific Serviced Suites, while the South Tower will house a signature lifestyle precinct, named Polaris, on its crown. With an area of approximately 1,770 sqm, this exciting high-end lifestyle F&B sector comprises 3 levels of exclusive lounges and signature restaurants, overlooking Jakarta’s skyline. Ample parking spaces and ease-of-access via public transports, including direct linkage with Bundaran HI MRT station will amplify the distinct quality of the already appealing project.

Tay Swee Eng, Project Director, CS Land stated: “At CS Land, our vision is to improve the urban environment by building a development that offers flexibility, efficiency and convenience all in one. Thus, we are proud to present Indonesia 1 – a self-sustaining development that provides the very best in doing business, living and leisure. To elevate its embodiment of this work-live-play concept, Indonesia 1 has been designed to meet Singapore’s BCA Greenmark Platinum standard, the highest Greenmark standard set by the Building & Construction Authority of Singapore.”

“We believe that being green-conscious is more than just a trend; we see it as our responsibility to our clients, partners and future generations and hence we have integrated extensive green features into Indonesia 1,” continued Tay Swee Eng, Project Director of CS Land.

Mercurio Design Lab Srl, the design architect, has master-crafted the development with an evergreen character, aspiring it to be the timeless landmark in the city skyline of Jakarta. The structures are intentionally designed to sit on the plot like a lighthouse in the open sea. The crown of the two towers each has an intentionally outstanding character. In particular, the south crown embraces the space for a signature globe to be suspended and intensely lit as it floats behind the lights of a lighthouse thus creating the effect of an immanence presence over the city.

Most importantly, the towers stand elegantly as a substantial sculpture, landmarking in the centre of the district, it draws in full attention from the busy street in front. Here, form and function joined in a spiritual union like all the timeless great architecture.

“Indonesia 1 has been designed with the aspiration to not only be a physical landmark for the capital city of Jakarta, but also a bright example of what good design can do for sustainability and environmental consciousness. Here, Architecture plays a major role, but all other disciplines have equally contributed and coordinated their effort to achieve the highest standard of environmental friendliness in the industry. Even wellness guidelines have been carefully taken into consideration, from maximizing natural light, to optimizing air quality to ensure the well-being of the occupants and improve their overall experience within the building,” said Massimo Mercurio, Managing Director of Mercurio Design Lab.

CS Land has appointed JLL Indonesia and Cushman & Wakefield as the marketing representatives of Indonesia 1.   

Arief Rahardjo, Director Strategic Consulting of Cushman & Wakefield stated: “Indonesia commercial property market has been experiencing a slow-down. In this tenant favorable market, occupiers are actively seeking for better quality premises with attractive rental rates for relocation and consolidation. Although the commercial real estate market has yet to show significant signs of recovery, CS Land is still striving towards completing this project. This shows that they have tremendous confidence that the market will bounce back and thrive.”

“With a tenant’s focus in design and development, Indonesia 1 has combined the perfect balance between working, living and social community while transforming Jakarta’s horizon. A prime address, five-star services and world-class facilities already exist in this mature and sought-after precinct. We are delighted to be involved in such a high-profile project and look forward to Indonesia 1 continued success in driving such high standards in development in Indonesia,” closed James Allan, President Director of JLL Indonesia.

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About CS Land 

We are a major multinational group that operates in a range of industry sectors with a single aim to promote investments in a south-south cooperation framework. We promote, deliver and share our experience and economic benefits with the countries we invest in.

Website         : http://www.chinasonangol.com

Indonesia’s Leading Companies Have Joined Forces to Support Gerakan Nasional Sejuta Surya Atap

Supporting Gerakan Nasional Sejuta Surya Atap (GNSSA), Bika Living, PT Bukit Jaya Semesta, Ciputra World 2 Jakarta, Dermaster, Grand Hyatt, PT Himawan Putra, Indonesia Utama Mineral, PT Mandala Multinvest Capital, PT Mega Manunggal Property Tbk, PT Monde Mahkota Biskuit, PT Mulia Bosco Sejahtera, Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk, Tokopedia and Wisma 77 have installed rooftop solar panel system. The solar panel system installation is facilitated by Xurya – a local solar panel developer and provider startup based in Indonesia. These companies encourage other business players to adopt a rooftop solar panel system.

“It is predicted that in the next 30 years, Indonesia may face a severe energy crisis. Energi Outlook Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi[1] highlights the fact that Indonesia has been a net importer of oil since 2004. There is a likelihood for Indonesia to become a net importer of natural gas in 2028, a net importer of energy in 2032 and a net importer of coal in 2038. This threat may become a reality if fossil energy reserves continue to be exploited and no alternative energy exploration is developed as a replacement,” said Andhika Prastawa, The Chairman of Asosiasi Energi Surya Indonesia (AESI) & GNSSA Declarator.

The use of rooftop solar panel system by commercial and industrial sectors has the potential to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. According to Data Inventory Emisi GRK Sektor Energi released by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, these sectors produced up to 36%[2] of CO2 emissions in 2016.

A form of energy exploration to prevent energy crisis and reduce CO2 emissions is to accelerate the utilization of rooftop solar panel system in residential areas, public amenities, office and government buildings, commercial buildings and industrial complexes. MIT Technology Review[3] discovers that the sun delivers more energy to Earth in one hour than humanity consumes over a year. This condition is particularly beneficial for countries located on the equator, such as Indonesia.

Xurya is a local startup energy company specializing in solar energy utilization. Established in 2018, Xurya focuses on providing, operating and maintaining rooftop solar energy installation in Indonesia. To encourage the use of solar energy potential, especially within the industrial and commercial sectors, Xurya introduced Xurya Lease – “Saving While Trying”.

“Solar energy has the greatest potential compared to other forms of New and Renewable Energy – of more than 200,000 MW[4]. But, the installed capacity as of 2018 is only 90 MWp[5]. It will end in smoke if we do not optimally utilize the potential of this energy. To do so, we would like to introduce Xurya Lease – a scheme in which prospective users of the rooftop solar energy system are given the option to be exempted from the obligation to pay for the upfront cost,” explained Eka Himawan, Founder of Xurya.

Eka Himawan continued, “We would like to invite everyone in the industrial and commercial sectors to adopt the rooftop solar power system. If the rooftop solar system is appropriately calculated, installed and operated, this system may help business and industries to save up to 30% of its electricity. Users can experience the system’s efficiency within the first month. Through Xurya Lease scheme, we aim to assist the Indonesian government in installing a million rooftop solar panels.”

According to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in the 2016[6] Economic Census, Indonesia is currently comprised of 26.7 million businesses or companies engaged in the non-agricultural sector – including Micro and Small-Scale Enterprises and Medium-Sized Enterprises. These companies have an essential role in boosting the mix of New and Renewable Energy. If this sector manages to install a 5 MWp rooftop solar panel system, it has a better chance in reducing CO2 emissions – up to an equivalent of 5,000 tons of CO2 in a year.

Tokopedia has taken a concrete step to reduce CO2 emission by installing a rooftop solar panel system at its office located in Ciputra World 2 Jakarta building.

VP of Corporate Communications Tokopedia, Nuraini Razak stated, “As an Indonesian technology company, we continuously support alternative technological developments with local innovators, one of which is Xurya, a renewable energy startup company from Indonesia, through the Gerakan Nasional Sejuta Surya Atap (GNSSA). By supporting this initiative, we hope to contribute great value in pushing forward the development and implementation of renewable energy source in Indonesia, while simultaneously supporting government efforts.”

“As a property developer that implements green building concept, Ciputra World 2 Jakarta supports the operation of a solar panel system that delivers proven records in helping energy conservation. The installation of the solar panel plant for Tokopedia – Ciputra World 2 Jakarta went well – without any interruption during the operational phase. The rooftop solar power module installed in the premise is 13.4 kWp – equivalent to the amount of electricity needed by 342 houses in Indonesia,” said Sugwantono Tanto, Director, PT Ciputra Property Tbk.

About Gerakan Nasional Sejuta Surya Atap (GNSSA)

This initiative targets an increase in the Renewable Energy mix, from 5% in 2015 to 23% by 2025, by encouraging and accelerating the construction of rooftop solar power systems in housing, public facilities, commercial and government office buildings, and industrial complexes. In 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources recorded that the level of New and Renewable Energy for the entire national energy mix was at 11-12%.

GNSSA was declared on 13 September 2017 by the Directorate General of EBTKE of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Directorate General of ILMATE, Ministry of Industry, Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan and the founder of GNSSA, namely Asosiasi Energi Surya Indonesia (AESI) and non-government institution IESR (Institute of Essential Service Reform).

“The averaged potential of solar energy in Indonesia is 1,350 kWh/kW system/year, while Europe is only 900 kWh/kW system/year[7]. Despite our competitive edge on renewables reserves, we lag behind our neighboring countries in reaping the potential benefits. I hope more business players in Indonesia will adopt the rooftop solar energy system for a better Indonesia,” closed Andhika Prastawa.

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About Xurya

Xurya is a local startup focusing on implementing rooftop solar panel system in Indonesia. Our vision is a sustainable future without sacrificing the environment and the need for electricity. We believe that the rooftop solar panel system is the best choice for the equatorial region, and we strive to facilitate Indonesian entrepreneurs in adopting this renewable energy.

Website         : https://www.xurya.com/

Instagram      : @energixurya

Facebook       : https://www.facebook.com/energixurya/

[1] Pusat Pengkajian Industri Proses dan Energi. 2018. Outlook Energi Indonesia 2019. Retrieved from https://www.bppt.go.id/outlook-energi?tasCk=document.viewdoc&id=754, accessed 19 June 2019.

[2] Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. 2016. Data Inventory Emisi GRK Sektor Energi. Retrieved from https://www.esdm.go.id/assets/media/content/content-data-inventory-emisi-grk-sektor-energi-.pdf, accessed 19 June 2019.

[3] Cass, Stephen. 2009. Solar Power Will Make a Difference—Eventually. Retrieved from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/414792/solar-power-will-make-a-difference-eventually/, accessed 19 June 2019.

[4] Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan. 2019. RUPTL Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik PT. PLN (Persero) 2019-2028. Retrieved from http://www.djk.esdm.go.id/pdf/RUPTL/RUPTL%20PLN%202019-2028.pdf, accessed 19 June 2019.

[5] IESR. 2018. Kapasitas PLTS Indonesia Masih Minim. Retrieved from http://iesr.or.id/kapasitas-plts-indonesia-masih-minim-3/, accessed  19 June 2019.

[6] Andreas, Damianus. 2017. Indonesia Kini Punya 26,71 Juta Perusahaan. Retrieved from https://tirto.id/indonesia-kini-punya-2671-juta-perusahaan-cnz4, accessed 19 June 2019.

[7] The World Bank Group. 2019. Global Solar Atlas. Retrieved from https://globalsolaratlas.info/, accessed 19 June 2019.

GESITS Siap di Pesan di Ajang Telkomsel IIMS 2019

GESITS sudah dapat dipesan sekarang dan siap didistribusikan pada Juli 2019. Selama ajang Telkomsel IIMS 2019 pada tanggal 25 April – 5 Mei 2019, GESITS dapat dipesan secara langsung di booth GESITS yang berlokasi di Hall C JIEXPO, Kemayoran.

Produk GESITS dapat dilihat secara langsung bersama industri pendukungnya. Para pengunjung juga dapat melakukan test ride dan melihat secara langsung demo pengisian baterai kendaraan roda dua elektrik ini.

“Setelah melalui rangkaian proses riset, tahapan uji coba dan produksi yang konstruktif, dengan bangga kami mempersembahkan GESITS, karya anak bangsa Indonesia pertama yang menggunakan teknologi motorbertenaga listrik. Mengkombinasikan keamanan, performa dan efisiensi, motor ramah lingkungan ini memiliki biaya operasional hingga 70% persen lebih efisien dari motor konvensional”, kata Harun Sjech, CEO, PT GESITS Technologies Indo.

GESITS dilengkapi motor listrik dengan tenaga puncak 5 kW dan menggunakan baterai Lithium NCM berkapasitas hingga 3 kWh yang dapat berjalan hingga 100 kilometer per satu kali pengisian daya. Waktu pengisian daya antara 3 hingga 4 jam. GESITS memiliki fitur double disk brake, transmisi pulley, suspensi belakang mono shock, LED Daytime Running Lights, HID Projector head lamps. Dilengkapi juga dengan digital dashboard yang dapat terkoneksi dengan ponsel pengendara.

GESITS adalah kolaborasi pemikiran dari anak terbaik bangsa dengan sejumlah Badan Usaha Milik Negara, seperti PT Wijaya Karya Industri dan Konstruksi, PT Pindad, PT Len, PT Wika Industri Energi,  PT Pertamina dan PT PLN. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa tingkat pemikiran dan karya Indonesia sanggup bersaing dalam kompetisi inovasi dan teknologi tinggi global yang ketat. GESITS yang hadir dalam tiga warna, yaitu merah, hitam dan putih.

Harun Sjech menjelaskan beberapa fakta menarik tentang GESITS: “Dengan warranty selama 3 tahun, GESITS akan didukung dengan layanan purna jual yang sangat akomodatif karena GESITS menyediakan beberapa tingkatan layanan purna jual. Yang pertama adalah penyediaan call center 24 jam untuk melayani pelanggan. GESITS juga akan bekerja sama dengan bengkel-bengkel yang tersebar di Indonesia agar akses terhadap suku cadang dan servis menjadi lebih mudah. Dan, GESITS memiliki road assistance yang juga siap 24 jam.”

GESITS akan meresmikan beberapa flagship store di kota besar dalam waktu dekat untuk memfasilitasi pemesanan GESITS selepas ajang Telkomsel IIMS 2019. Para peminat dan followers GESITS juga dapat melakukan order online via http://www.gesits.co.id. GESITS dibanderol dengan harga mulai dari Rp 24.950.000 (Off The Road). Untuk pemesanan GESITS pada ajang IIMS 2019 dan bagi mereka yang telah melakukan pre-order GESITS pre IIMS 2019, akan mendapatkan harga launching yaitu Rp 23.500.000 (Off The Road).

“GESITS adalah inovasi yang dibentuk sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia. PT GESITS Technologies Indo tidak akan pernah berhenti menghadirkan inovasi berevolusi guna membawa Indonesia menuju masa depan yang lebih baik. Harapan kami, GESITS dapat menjadi pioneer untuk kendaraan nasional. Mari menjadi awal dari sejarah perjalanan GESITS di Indonesia,” pungkasnya.

*** SELESAI ***


The pre-order season for Lambretta V-Special commences today. Limited unit of Lambretta V-Special will be ready to hit the road in August 2019. What are you waiting for, Lambretthusiast? Let’s order now.

It’s official: Lambretta is back in Indonesia under the umbrella of PT Skuter Motor Indonesia (SMI) – the authorized distributor of Lambretta scooters in Indonesia.

Celebrating its comeback, Lambretta introduces Lambretta V-Special that will hit the road in August 2019. Lambretthusiast are able to pre-order the unit at Telkomsel Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) starting on Thursday, 25 April 2019 or through an online application.

“Strong demand for Lambretta’s comeback by Indonesian Lambretthusiast and the magnitude of Lambretta as a brand are the main reasons as to why PT Skuter Motor Indonesia is determined to reintroduce Lambretta in Indonesia. More than just an ordinary scooter brand, Lambretta is a lifestyle brand with a long story of passion, legacy and an unstoppable desire of innovation,” said Ade Sulistioputra, CEO, PT Brum Brum (the parent company of PT SMI).

Lambretta was first introduced in 1947 by Ferdinando Innocenti. Being a visionary leader, Innocenti desired a simple, robust and affordable vehicle. It had to be easy to drive for both men and women, be able to carry a passenger and not get its driver’s clothes soiled. More than 40 years later, the vision of Innocenti is thoroughly manifested in the design of Lambretta V-Special.

“Embracing its predecessor’s distinctive feature, Lambretta V-Special has a tubular frame design with superior engine chassis geometry. The engine is positioned right in the middle of the chassis to ensure vehicle stability. Equipped with a boxy elongated body and hexagonal LED lights, Lambretta V-Special uses the iconic Italian-style alloy wheels to retain its retro quirkiness,” stated Adrianus Donny, Marketing Manager, PT SMI.

Back again after more than 40 long years of hibernation, Lambretta introduces the Lambretta V200 and V125 Special manufactured by Lambretta GmbH.

In addition to hexagonal LED lights, Lambretta V200 and V125 Special are decked out with a pair of LED indicator, a glove box with 12 V charging socket, LED-based tail light and an extensive luggage capacity under the seats. With an analog speedometer to strengthen its classic impression, Lambretta V200 and V125 Special are complimented with an informative digital navigation screen that displays RPM information, Voltmeter and clock.

Lambretta V200 is quoted at IDR 52,500,000 (OTR Jakarta) and V125 is IDR 44,500,000 (OTR Jakarta) with a series of stylish color choices:

V200 Special are available in black high gloss, white high gloss and red high gloss

V125 Special are available in orange super gloss, blue mint super gloss and grey super gloss

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